

Tackling Complexity with Automation

By Yolandi Booyens In standard11th August, 2015

Automation is everywhere. IT has become so entrenched in our worlds that we don’t even notice how convenient everything has become. Grocery stores now take half the time to record purchases, people can do banking from the convenience of their homes, warehouses have quadrupled in size as stored goods are captured in systems and easily retrieved


What to look for at the ‘heart’ of an IT package – Dovetail/FleetWatch

By Yolandi Booyens In standard2nd June, 2015

Considering that your logistics software package will drive your business system, you need to carefully consider how the package should benefit your business before you invest in something that is good for a purpose, but will never be able to handle the long term load and growth prospects of your company. It goes without saying that


Ensuring Innovation through Collaboration

By Yolandi Booyens In standard22nd May, 2015

Dovetail Business Solutions will be attending and exhibiting at the Sapics Conference 2015 for the tenth year running, from May 31 to June 2, as part of an initiative to collaborate with all supply chain stakeholders and showcase its logistics software solutions. Sapics is an annual conference hosted at Sun City where professionals with a


Business Management – Where is Social Media Taking Us?

By Yolandi Booyens In standard16th October, 2014

A big part of running a successful business is ensuring that you keep up with trends and provide consumers with the information, products and services they want to satisfy their needs. As globalisation and consumerisation advance, consumers become more demanding and instant gratification is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Consumers also want to


Why Every Company Needs a KPI Strategy for Business Management

By Yolandi Booyens In standard8th October, 2014

What difference can a strategy with clearly defined and achievable key performance indicators (KPIs) make in your business? As continuous growth is crucial in any business environment, and given that it relies on the performance of the organisation as a whole – it is imperative for all employees to have complete visibility over the organisation’s


Using mobile apps to bridge the gap to core logistics systems

By Yolandi Booyens In standard29th September, 2014

Mobile devices and apps enables business to be conducted and managed anywhere. In the supply-chain execution, the operational execution and management is realised outside the boundaries of the business and into the commercial world. Drivers are equipped with mobile devices to complete collection and delivery tasks and to provide instant status updates on the allocated


eDocs Implementation Case Study- BPL

By Yolandi Booyens In standard28th August, 2014

Project Scope: Dovetail Business Solutions implemented its eDocs transport management system at Bidvest Panalpinas’ (BPL’s) facilities In Durban, Johannesburg and Cape Town. The project started in December 2012 and was completed on time in September 2013. The main aim of this project was to implement a fully functional transport management system with an upgrade to


Triton SCS – Document Management System Case Study

By Yolandi Booyens In standard21st August, 2014

The Client Triton SCS was created primarily to increase the range of services offered through the Triton Express group. Triton Express is one of the leading transport and warehousing providers across Southern Africa and offers integrated supply chain solutions that enable complete visibility over its clients’ business processes. Triton SCS offer the Triton group the


Why Going Paperless is the Future – Document Management

By Yolandi Booyens In standard14th August, 2014

Talk about paperless offices have been around for centuries. Just imagine: an office where there is absolutely no filing cabinets, no papers lying around, no files, no envelopes, no reports; no paper. Does that sound right? Probably not because paper is more integrated into our daily lives than we realise. Wherever we go we see


Will Document Management Rob or Rescue Me?

By Yolandi Booyens In standard23rd July, 2014

Is Document Management suitable for small business owners? We get this question all the time: “Is document management not too big of an investment for my small business? Will it not cost me more than I make? The answer to both these questions is no. Document management forms part of Logistics software which means that it

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Knightsbridge Manor, Dovetail House, 33 Sloane Street, Bryanston

+27 11 540 9300

+27 11 540 9330
